St. Patrick, Watkins, Iowa - 75 years as an Organization as Altar & Rosary Society (1924-1999)
As written by Lois Stramer
An activity calendar denoting the birthdays, anniversaries of the Watkins area people in commemoration of the 75 years as an organization. St. Patrick's Altar and Rosary Society was organized in 1924. The officers were -President-Mrs. John Boddicker, Sec-Treasurer-Mrs. Henry Schmuecker, and Organist-Mr. J.C. Delany.
Through all these 75 years, the Society has been very active serving the needs of St. Patrick's, Watkins. When the Society was first organized, and up to 1948 (when the basement of St. Patrick was dugout and refinished), meetings were always held in the members homes, each member taking their turn on entertaining. Since 1948 meetings are held in the church basement on the second Monday of every month, except January, February, and March. Members take their turns as hostess and serve along with another member. Before the meeting is started, the Rosary is said for all the sick people of the community. The basement is also rented to people in the area for other meetings or for family get-togethers.
The first part of the year, a complete report is sent out to all members of the parish which includes -the names of the Lectures, Eucharistic Ministers, Mass Servers, Gift Carriers, Greeters, Ushers, Religious Education Teachers, Parish Council Members, and list of the Baptisms, Marriages, Confirmation Students, First Communion children and Graduates.
Each lady of the parish takes their turn cleaning the church on weekends. The list schedule for cleaning is also in the report, so ladies know ahead of time when it is their turn to clean. In the fall a general cleaning of the basement and church is held with volunteers and helping.
In case of death in the family, we have six different committees to take their turn in serving the Funeral Dinners. We also have a Prayer line for our Parishioners that are seriously ill.
At Christmas, a fruit and food basket is given to the priest. A fruit basket or Poinsettia is delivered to all the elderly, shut-ins, and to the people in nursing homes of our parish. Money is also sent to the people in the service from our Parish.
Coffee, rolls, and juice are served after the mass on special occasions, by the Parish Life Chairman as part of our Social Activity. Two card parties are also held each year, one around St. Patrick's Day and the other around Halloween. The names of the people on these committees are also listed in the yearly report.
Complete financial listings are also on this report. The Society furnishes all the kitchen and bathroom supplies, also the missalettes, hosts, candles, and other items used around the altar. Each year the parish has some large improvements on the church, the society donates money to help on these projects.
Some of these special calendars are still available. Current officers are President-Mrs. Sylvester Kahle, Sec-Tres. -Mrs. Raymond Stramer, and Organist-Becky Nolte.
A list of the Presidents and Sec-Treasurers for the Society since 1968 is listed here.